Join our family!
Becoming a member of the DSAJ family is fun, fulfilling, and free! By joining our communications list, you will be kept in the loop about upcoming fundraisers, family events, workshops, news on the national Down syndrome front, and more! We see a very bright future for individuals with Down syndrome, and we would love you to join us on this very exciting journey!
We Are Here to Help
The Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville helps families assemble the building blocks necessary at every step of development as they construct a fulfilling life for their child. These blocks are comprised of emotional support, information, education and connection opportunities. The Lil Stars Group is designed to assist new and expectant parents as they begin their journey of caring for their baby in each of these areas. Typically, parents are looking for support with issues related to gross motor skill development, transition into kindergarten, communication skill development and social connections. We offer a variety of programs, information and support to families with children ages birth to five years old and continuing into adulthood.
Where do you fit in?
Check out our social groups with more info listed below.
The Lil Stars group is geared towards parents expecting a baby with Down syndrome and parents of children that are newborn to age three. The children, siblings and grandparents are welcome and encouraged to attend. We also encourage and promote all members to attend these meetings. We can all benefit from getting to know one another and sharing knowledge. Our meetings are informal and often include a guest speaker on topics of interest to the group. There is also time to socialize and enjoy being with each other’s children.
DSAJ’s Shining Stars group is comprised of children between the ages of 6 and 12. The group’s purpose is to provide social and informational activities throughout the course of the year for both the children and their families. The children enjoy the fun activities, which are designed to enhance physical and social development. We encourage parents, grandparents, family members and friends to attend as well. Periodically, we bring speakers and educators in to discuss various topics that are helpful and keep our members up to date.
DSAJ’s Teen Group is alive and well. Fun outings are planned for those ages 13 – 17 with Down syndrome to meet and enjoy each other’s company while participating in a range of activities. The purpose of this group is to provide socialization within the community and opportunities for friendships to develop. Join us to make friends, develop confidence & self-esteem, practice social skills and most of all – HAVE FUN!
This Group is an awesome group of friends. We provide a safe, supervised way for young adults with Down syndrome to meet and enjoy each other’s company while participating in a range of activities. The purpose of this group is to provide socialization within the community and opportunities for friendships to develop. Join us to make friends, develop confidence and self-esteem, practice social skills and, most of all, HAVE FUN!